Before the party, my car was completely destroyed, which I have to admit, kind of put a damper on things, although everyone is fine, which is such a beautiful gift. (Thank you). I also found out that I was accepted into a the Masters program that I applied to at Royal Roads University, which I am totally chuffed about. (My thesis proposal has to do with the history and politics of midwifery regulation in Canada). And, I managed to clean the house so that it looked halfway decent and somewhat normal (albeit cluttered and a bit weird, I know), and then everyone arrived, and the whole thing got happily messed rather quickly, and there were kids and food, and drink and merrymaking, and the littles and dads (and a mum or two, but not me) went sliding (if you’re from New Brunswick) or sledding (if you’re from the West Coast), and Horus had a breakdown, and we stayed up until the odd hours, and it was fun and mellow, and I think we’ll do it again next year. I was going to show photos of the aftermath, but I think I’d like one entire post pretending that I am an adequate housekeeper. I went overboard with the greenery, I know. But isn’t it pretty? We are so very fortunate to have a beautiful warm home. Cars be damned. I hope you too, are cozy & happy. I do wish you all the very best, but I’m going to say that again in the next post. But first I’m going to try to rally the kids for a photo under that ridiculously bombastic Christmas tree.
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