This is my response to yet another abusive message about the video of Felix’s birth (watch it here). I have many mixed feelings about having publicized Felix’s birth. I very innocently assumed that it would be universally understood to be whole, and beautiful. I really had no idea whatsoever that it was even possible for someone to see in it, anything to criticize, or be disgusted by. Incredibly naive, I know. I would never release something so intimate and personal again, publicly, without creating some parameters or restrictions to access. I am still working on finishing up the documentary of Cosmo’s birth, which I’ll be making available in a limited way, to a select few 🙂
The person who sent the messages to which I am responding, below, was insistent, and repetitive, and then further abusive when they figured out that I wouldn’t be giving them a platform, and they accused me, as so many have, of being unfair, or undemocratic. Moral bankruptcy and stupidity are widespread, alas.
Birth is Shit
I’m right her beside you, Yo, as you give birth to your fully actualized self again and again in the risky parlour of humanity. From one birth advocate to another, Baby, you give ‘er. You fling the shit of humanity back in the face of those unable to fully grasp the essence of true primal being-ness. Keep wielding those reins of full orgastic living, robust and ripe so that we have to kiss it full on the lips or perish as the compromised. I’m right here beside you, Love, and I say up the arse of those so anal and emotionally plagued that they’ve bred the sweat, puke and cum right out of their loins to suck on the patriarchal scalpels and pills instead. Your mentorship is deeply valued and ethically safe with me. Riding the tide of hatred, to those committed, can only yield in a full bodied kind of LOVE. Giddy up!
OH MY Goddess!!!!! You are hilarious, outrageous, bombastic, fabulous, I love it all!!!!! Your crazy wisdom poetry made me cry this morning, thank you beautiful woman. Can’t wait to hear what you have manifested this evening at the benefit, Can’t wait for Monday to see you. Giddy Up Indeed! <3