I keep meaning to write up all the millions of articles in my head about birth, prenatal care, body politics, etc., but the reality is that I live all that stuff in my everyday life and work, and I feel like I would be doing those subjects a disservice to write about them off-the-cuff–yes yes, I know that hasn’t stopped me before, but at this point in my life, I am so immersed in it, and that has to be enough for now. I’m just postponing, I promise.
When I’m not driving around meeting clients and colleagues, I’m full-on at home, and these days our refuge is the orchard down the road. Actually, our whole county–Queens County–is peppered with orchards all along the beautiful river, and the scene is magical at this time of year.
We have been lucky to have had some dear friends visit. I love a true friendship confirmed by the seamless picking up where we left off of a conversation started several years go.
I hope that most other parents, when they spend time with their children, find that foremost in their thoughts is the unbelievable wellspring of total adoration they feel for their kids. I feel it. This certainly doesn’t negate, at times, major irritation, impatience, all those normal feelings of frustration. But I do feel so grateful to have these beings in my life. “What would I do without you kids?” I said to Horus the other day. “I don’t *know* Mum! You sure wouldn’t have all this help!” he replied. And it’s true, in practical as well as spiritual terms.
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