Snow storms, and more today. Beautiful snow. Clean and white.
We went up to the fields behind our house on Boxing day. It was cold, and the snow had formed a crust which, according to the New Brunswick sliding specialists I consulted with, is perfect for super-fast racing.
I have observed that middle or second-children seem to be especially brave, or dare-devilish. (No no, I don’t take those silly generalizations too seriously). I am a first child, and I am interested in artistic and intellectual thrills far above the physical sort…Horus too, is relatively cautious. But Treva was totally comfortable flying down head first, and even smashing into some brambles at the very bottom of the field, near the stream.
Tree did end up with some scratches on her face from the twigs and sticks when she landed with a bang, but was undeterred, and valiantly trudged up the hill again.
See how far they are?!
Horus had a blast, and Lee too, hiked up, then slid down many times.
We walked back to our house the other way, through the fields, behind our studio, pictured above. Pottery down, piano & pilates up. The building to the left is our chicken coop/barn. The creek runs alongside. Happy Day.
Looks like a great day!
It was! Happy New Year to you, Lambros.