I received this message from a beautiful mother who is having an imminent home birth. She has had a previous hospital birth that was wonderful, but not quite all that she was hoping for.
Yo, most days I find myself very excited about this coming delivery, and just want to ‘power through it’ so to speak. I want to face it head on and just let go.
I would be concerned if you were to tell me that you didn’t feel any fear or trepidation at all.
Can you articulate your fears? Often it can be good to really go there, and analyze where your fear lies. If you are feeling a general “what if” fear, then you can sit with it, and then acknowledge that it exists not in reality, but only as a story–another “what if”. It’s ok to feel the fear, acknowledge it, and then just put it over “there”.
I think the biggest “what if” you’re dealing with right now is What if the upcoming birth of your baby makes you feel even more powerful, ecstatic, and present in the world than you already are? That’s going to change you, and rock every part of your reality. Are you ready for that? I think you are.
So when you feel the fear called “what if”, you can just say to yourself “yes, there’s that”, and then replace that with the more significant, likely “what if” of total euphoric transformation.
I also want to suggest to you that ‘powering through’ your birth, and ‘facing it head-on’ as ways to describe how you might be anticipating your birth, might not allow for the full scope of possibilities as to what your birth can be. I think it takes an *immense* amount of control, and strength, and consciousness and determination to have the kind of amazing, positive and beautiful hospital experience that you had with your first baby. And I know how very strong you are. It will probably be different at home, and I want you to consider that rather than facing anything head-on, or powering through anything, you may experience parts of this birth with utter softness, and other parts with wildness, and at other times meditative stillness, but that ultimately you will be surrounded with love and gentleness and care, and that in this way you may experience a clarity and a surrender to the present moment that will feel unbelievably powerful, but that won’t require anything of you other than your Self.
We make the world up with our words. There isn’t going to be any “delivery” at your house. There will be an ecstatic birth experience.
Visualization IS extremely powerful. Instead of avoiding visualizing your birth, go there, and take your mind to the birth you want. I highly recommend affirmations, and I’ll pass these on to you. I have taken these from Gloria Lemay, (added to and modified them myself just a bit)–just make a practice of saying these to yourself every day, or a couple of times a day. You could print them out and put the in your bathroom or something It doesn’t matter if it feels goofy, just do it anyway. (These are so powerful that I’m actually moved to tears while typing them out. It’s real, and it works. Please say these out loud at least once a day, if they resonate with you. These words will come to you during your birth.)
* Each part of my body is completely relaxed, allowing the easy passage of my baby. I relax through each stretching sensation, allowing my uterus to work effectively.
* I am safe and my baby is safe when the sensations are strong.
* The stretching sensations last only a short time, but are efficient, and quickly open my cervix…opening…so my baby can be born easily.
* I focus my attention on my breathing, bringing oxygen which surrounds my muscles, bringing nourishment, and washing out fatigue.
* I am never alone. I have sisters throughout my city, my province, my country, and around the world who will be having their babies at the same time as me. I tune in to them and send them my love and reassurance.
* I direct my energy from my head, down through my body and out through my vagina. This energy assists my muscles to work efficiently and helps my baby come out…easily…effortlessly…comfortably.
* My uterus is working so well to bring my baby down and out of my pelvis. There is plenty of room for my baby to pass through…easily, effortlessly and comfortably.
* It is safe for me to verbalize my feelings and desires. I am willing to allow others the pleasures of serving me.
* My baby is being massaged and stimulated through the sensations of birth.
* As I feel my vagina being pressed open by my baby’s perfect head, I surrender completely and open like a beautiful rose in full bloom.
xoxox yo