Here are the two videos, badly edited (by moi), of Felix’s birth. Part one is a snapshot of the birth process, and Part 2 is Felix’s emergence. I do have mixed feelings about posting such intimate material for all to see, but ultimately, I think it is so important to share the normalcy of birth with other women who may not have very much experience with how raw, real, easy, safe, and fantastic birth can be. Much of the footage was taken by my friend Katie who had never attended a birth before. We also had a camera set up on a tripod. When I watch these videos, I think Felix’s birth was probably my grumpiest birth. I had forgotten, in my blissed out haze of new motherhood during the past couple of days, about demanding either a hair elastic or scissors (!!!). Birth brings out the best, and worst, and most intense in all of us.
I am so proud of how incredible Horus and Treva were throughout, and so thankful for Katie’s wonderful presence, and for Lee, my sweet, cool, calm, and amazing husband, who would never presume to know anything about birth, but who trusts life, and who respects me and my sovereignty and authority as a woman, completely. I love you.