Things have been challenging lately. I’m trying to brace myself, and pace myself. The challenges will continue, for sure, but I’m open to unexpected ease and joy as well. That happens, also, doesn’t it? Things might be slow on the blog for the next little while. Then again, I might decide this space is a bit of a refuge. We’ll see.
Our Thanksgiving was lovely–a friend and her gorgeous daughter visited, and apart from moments of shockingly unpleasant behaviour from Horus and Treva, we had a great time. I made way too much food with a plan to eat the leftovers over the subsequent few days while we finished loading the kiln. Actually, Lee is loading the kiln. He has an exhibition coming up at the end of October in Fredericton, and he has made some stunning new pieces for that event. I have had little time in the studio lately, and that pains me, but it’s also part of having a newborn, and I know better than to be annoyed by the privilege of having Cosmo’s still-little loveliness in-arms. I’m looking forward to the firing, and I do have some work in the kiln–glad that I made time for pots & sculpture before Cosmo arrived.
I’m so thankful for the good people in my life. I am incredibly lucky to have all this love.
After Lee’s show, and his 39th birthday, he will head to the hospital for another surgery. It’s weighing on me, and obviously on him even more so. Hoping to get the woodstove fixed before he goes. All will be well, I’m sure of it.