I was doing some work at the local cafe in Gagetown a few weeks ago, when an older woman, who saw me clicking away on all my devices, came over to my table. She asked me what we would do with ourselves without computers and cellphones? I smiled and said “We would probably be a lot more peaceful, happy and productive!” She laughed, and then told me that she was one of the first computer programmers, and certainly one of the first woman computer programmers, and that she worked on massive machines with punch cards. “I loved it,” she said. “I was a single mother, and I put myself through night school, and just steadily rose the ranks. My last job was head of computer operations at Novartis (a pharmaceutical company) and I made *excellent* money. Every woman should have her own resources, because then, no man can ever push her around. I know who I am, and I am am totally independent.” She was touring the maritimes with her partner “A lovely, sweet man, who treats me wonderfully.” I told her that my husband is also a lovely sweet man, and aren’t we lucky?! “Yes”, she said, “We are lucky. And I hope you are enjoying being so young. I’m seventy-eight years old, and I have very early signs of dementia now, which is scary and difficult. But I’m very proud of what I’ve accomplished in my life.” It was a gift to have had a chance to talk with her. People are wonderful, aren’t they?
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