In my last post, I talked about my quick recovery, didn’t I? Not the case! Hubris, all of it. Once again I had pushed myself to the point of ridiculousness, and I was slammed with another serious flu and sinus infection that rocked our family and kind of decimated our plans…I was in bed for over a week, and once again Lee was my caretaker as well as having full responsibility for the kids, the house, everything. The kids themselves were doting, and concerned. When I finally did feel well enough to drag myself out of bed, just a couple of days ago, Felix (who had visited me every few hours to snuggle and nurse) was suddenly standing up, scooting across rooms, talking (Hi! Dadadada) and waving.
I am just so grateful for Lee. He is the kindest, sweetest, most fantastic husband, partner and father. I love him. He is a beautiful, gentle person. I feel so lucky for my health, and so lucky for my family.
And once again, (maybe this time I will be mindful?) I have been forced to slow down, and to re-evaluate my relationship to my body, and to notice the ways that I am unloving to myself. Once again, I was so sick that I even considered going to the hospital at one point, and once again, I am so glad I did not. I rested, I was fed extremely well, I stayed hydrated, and now I am recovering.
I *am* taking it easy now, but we are also going. We were forced to re-schedule our firing, which was kind of heartbreaking, but it will all work out. So now I’m in the studio again (finally!), and Lee and I are tag-teaming. This illness did give me the opportunity to finally quit coffee, so we’ll see how that goes. There is more snow on the horizon in New Brunswick. The kids and I are itching to plant our garden. Friends tell me it is still a bit too early for seeds.
The first thing I did when I got out of bed was to excavate the kids’ room and actually clean it. We have managed to maintain this state for the past few days. I keep filling bags with junk for goodwill in a serious attempt to maintain order. Toys are constantly being edited, whittled down to just a box of wooden blocks, for the most part. Books are always plentiful, and that will remain. There are connections there: the real feng shui of health and wellness…we all feel better when our spaces are clear.
I am also grateful for our friends and neighbours. Katie came by and took the kids for a nature walk early on, and then my beloved friend Alison brought honey and herbs and chicken soup and love. Oh! And here is a link to a video that touches on the subject of general immunity, as well as really summing up how I feel about vaccines (btw!) I’m still getting things back on track, so bear with me! I have lots of new comments to respond to, thank you, always, for writing to me.
Look at your baby grow! You take the loveliest, warmest photos of your family. It will be quite the documentary one day. I’m glad you’re well again. There are many who tell your tale–of thinking it was a small thing and then getting walloped with a big dose of cooties. 🙂
Thank you so much, Shannon! I was starting to feel guilty about the lack of photos, actually–so I’m being mindful to carry my camera with me! I can’t get over how big Felix is getting, myself! It sure does fly by…Take good care!
Oh dear Yolande,
I know being sick sucks! But its the natural way of getting vaccinated! Our family doctor told us that every 7 years or so you get very sick from the flu. So sick that you think you’re not gone make it to the next morning, so sick that you what to go to a hospital…(but you better don’t, trust me and you know that i’ve read)
So see you’ re self as natural vaccinated for the next you, think possitive and rejoyce in the fact that the next flu won’t be so bad!
Love Veronique
So true Veronique, I agree completely! Thank you so much for your kind words, and I hope that you and yours are feeling well and hearty! Happy spring!
O ya, nice job cleaning the bedroom for somebody who’s been so sick you still have a lot cleaning mojo! 😉
Haha–thank you Veronique! Lee did a wonderful job of keeping everything together, but the house was looking a little ragged when I finally got up!
Sorry to say, unless you have a greenhouse its too early for seeds, and if you do have a greenhouse its a bit late for some seeds. on the bright side if you live in or around Gagetown you will be planting sooner then I.
Hi there Janelle–thank you for this advice! Yes, I have heard from a number of people that I am a little quick on the draw this year! So glad for all the gardening gurus around me! I’ll just have to hold out for a couple of more weeks…Happy gardening to you, soon! 🙂
And to you!
p.s. Sarah got me onto your kitchen party blog only to become hooked and realize that the last post was May 02, 2012…Am I doing something wrong, or have you stopped? If its the latter…I’m sad.
A-ha! I thought something might be amiss with the lack of posts as of late. I am glad you are feeling better. Being sick is no fun. It always reminds me about how wonderful it is to be healthy.
I missed reading you updates. Once again, I love you blog. Always makes me think. Thank you for sharing <3
Happy to hear you are well again and filling us up with information!
Your Felix stays true to his name smiling in each photo gorgeously! And the kids’ room: I would love to spend time in this beautiful space!
Aaand, I am surely going to ask you how you manage to reduce toys, as my children, even though not playing with all of it, are tremendously conscious of what they have and if something is missing. Soooo, when I put away they want it back and if I negociate, everything seems important.
Anyway, enjoy your returned health and you´ll see spring will bring more vital power as everything around you starts to rebirth.
Greetings and love from flowering Spain!