Because no vaccine is 100% effective.
Because the whooping cough vaccine, at its *most* effective, has an effectiveness rate of only 95%.
Because when it comes down to it, the side-effects of the whooping cough vaccine are not fully known.
Because whooping cough is not a terminal illness, and rarely results in death–even in infants.
Because the majority of whooping cough cases occur in those who have been vaccinated against it.
Because when someone recovers from whooping cough, they acquire a natural immunity to the disease that is far more potent than the dismal effectiveness of the vaccine.
Because I will never consent to have my perfect children injected with any substance in order to POTENTIALLY prevent an illness that they may POTENTIALLY acquire that is only POTENTIALLY fatal.
Because my children are extremely healthy, with immune systems that have never been compromised by an excess of junk food, environmental pollutants or antibiotics.
Because there are risks associated with getting out of bed in the morning.
Because we all drive in cars, despite how dangerous we all know vehicular travel to be.
Because we all die at some point, no matter what.
Because I refused to be bullied by governments and other parents into taking on the responsibility for another family’s health.
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