Isn’t it incredibly interesting, being a parent, and watching these brilliant kids of ours, grow and change and become increasingly who they are? Horus is such a sweet awesome kid. He is very honest, and very open, and in a strange sort of way, this honesty and openness often manifests as an awkward grumpiness…Horus has a lot of love. Sometimes he feels so much love for certain people, that this overwhelms him, and he ends up being spectacularly rude (growling, grimacing, and “Go Away!”) towards these people for whom he feels this almost-painful amount of love. Thankfully, these tend to be the people who love him back, and I think they understand. Horus and I have talked about this in the darkness while we fall asleep, and I can tell his is somewhat mystified by his own reaction to these strong emotions. Sometimes I worry that Horus’ inner conflict has something to do with having parents who are so totally divergent in their reactions to the world. Lee does not express emotions (period), although I think he does have them. I, on the other hand, just don’t quit with the emotions and the communication & expressiveness etc. I exhaust myself. Oh dear.
In any case, both Lee and I are quite artistically emotive, and our house is always a flurry of making. There are opportunities to process!
Horus has always loved to sculpt with clay, and build with blocks, and hammer and construct, and create various tools, and dress up, and make music, and he loves to paint! But drawing has never really been his thing. So when we were working in the school room the other day, and he suddenly drew this self-portrait, I was astounded. Not only has he never drawn a picture of himself before, but he has never really drawn a picture of any *thing* before (his forays into pen/pencil and paper have hitherto been abstract). Anyway. I couldn’t get over the likeness. What a sweetheart.