Maybe this is my favourite time of year–so full of potential and the promise of adventure. this is really the beginning of our making year, and as soon as things start to get even a little bit melty out there, we are detectives, out looking for wood to fuel our first woodfiring of the season.
For a more in-depth look at the artwork my husband Lee and I make, head over to our website at, and I apologize in advance for the fact that the site itself is still really a work in progress, with four years worth of old blog posts just sort of jumbled together. Oh dear. Anyway.
Lee is actually always on the lookout, and continuously scouting for wood and rocks, and when he drove by the old orchard down Upper Hampstead road a couple of months ago, and saw the piles of ancient applewood in the middle of the winter field, we knew we had struck woodfiring gold. For a good price per cord, we have been out there cutting and piling as much as possible.
The other day was especially gorgeous, and felt like the beginning of the tumble into spring and then summer…For days like these, and for the immense privilege of being able to work outside, and for the rhythm of the seasons, I am endlessly grateful.
We packed a full load of wood into the truck, with Felix happy in the backpack. The kids ran and played and climbed and found treasures in the orchard including a valiant caterpillar who was hiding in one of the old baskets. Near the end of the day, Treva climbed up onto the pile on the back of the truck and immediately fell asleep. Job well-done.
That cover photo isn’t quite right, is it? Oh well. The snow will be fully gone soon, and I’ll change it up again in no time…