We had a lovely Easter 2016! Lee took the kids to his parents’ house for Saturday and Sunday, and they had a blast playing with cousins, and I took some much-needed time to do some deep cleaning–I didn’t get as far as I wanted to, but I did manage to reorganize some cupboards, and get caught up on the laundry, which felt great.
Everyone came home Sunday night, and the Easter bunny arrived that night too, and it was mostly adorable to wake up Easter monday morning to the kids’ announcement that not only had the Easter bunny brought baskets of goodies, but he had also *cleaned the whole house!* Wowzer. We spent the day undoing most of that effort, and lazing about putting together lego, reading our new books, and drawing, and knitting. Cosmo, as you can see, no longer wears anything at all, especially now that he is using the potty totally reliably all the time, which is lovely! But he also seems to feel entitled, for that reason, to never ever wear clothes, which is perfectly fine with me and Lee, but which gets complicated when we have to leave the house. (The strategically placed bunny ears were irresistible).
Later we decided to make hot cross buns, and everyone helped, and a truly formidable mess was made. After the feast, poor Horus said he wasn’t feeling well, which is a very unusual development. By a cruel and complicated twist of fate, he ended up throwing up the day’s elaborate fare (moussaka! hard boiled eggs! oranges, cheeses, more chocolate that is reasonable for anyone to consume in a week!) all over my face and hair while I was trying to help him in the bathroom, and I can honestly say that it was one of the most disgusting events of my life. I really am accustomed to all kinds of baby magic, and sometimes it feels like my life revolves around cleaning up the poop of humans and animals, and I have a very high tolerance for body fluids, but somehow having my head and face vomited all over by a grown-up well-fed kid…well. A new level of humility.
But I showered, and I tucked Horus into bed, and he’s not 100% himself today, but feeling much better, and overall, Easter was a pretty mellow good time.
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