Good morning everyone! Oh dear. First of all, this is kind of an experiment. I DO know how dorky this is, so please don’t email to tell me that…and also, Lee already pointed out that I cut my own head off in the frame. Oh well!
Day 1: Pen & Paper
Ok. So, My day one (which was yesterday), is all about the most *incredible* technology available to us: Pen and paper. (Actually, probably pencil and paper, but I do admit to *requiring* my smooth-black-ink pen…). That’s right. My first resolution is to write it down.
Get it all on Paper.
I started by writing *everything* down: all my goals, dreams, projects, hopes, desires, household tasks, art projects, everything. This was all loosely organized by project, but I pulled no punches, and really tried to get it *all* down on paper. This is based on the ideas that David Allen talks about in his “Getting Things Done” books: downloading ALL the material in your head to paper, so that you can take a step back, sit with all the stuff you’re trying to do, and then figure out a way forward. Even this first step, of putting it all down, and getting it all out of my head, tends to make me feel less stressed (even though seeing all of it in a jumble can be a bit jarring–this is the raw material).
The Next Step
The next step will be to organize all of this on-paper jumble into projects. My projects include: Woodfired Pottery, Flora & Fauna, Household Chores, Homeschooling, Writing projects (individually), etc. I like this way of organizing my tasks, because in a couple of days, I will be solidifying my daily schedule, which will allow for time for all of these projects, and I want to be able to quickly see which tasks I have to do, in which order, so that I can move each project forward.
Goofy Video, #1
Below is the super-goofy video, attempt number one. I’m trying not to edit myself too much, and just to go for it. I’ll be talking about how I feel about each new habit, and how successful I am in implementing them all, cumulatively. Please keep in mind that my penchant for reading self-help material has been somewhat secretive, and that it kind of pains me to be doing this in public, but it’s also kind of here we are!
Joele Gilbert says
Hi Yolande! This is probably my favourite time of the year, after the excess of Christmas, taking stock and paring back to find what I hope is the kernal. I am not very good at self-help plans, but I did take a little leap this year and signed up for Leo Babauta’s Sea Change program which guides you through one new habit per month. I am always so ambitious this time of year; I am hoping this slow and steady pace will cause lasting change. I am better in the fast and reckless department for sure.
I have met you a couple of times, and have read your blog for some time, but I have never commented before. I, too, am working at putting myself “out there” a bit more, as I tend to constantly edit myself into silence. Kudos to you on the video – nice job, and best of luck on the next 29 days!
Yolande says
hello Joele! It’s so nice to hear from you. I was actually thinking about you the other day, and wondering how you were doing! Thank you for your kind words–I DO feel quite goofy doing this, so thank you for being kind! I love the zen habits site, and a new habit per month sounds *much* more sane than 30 in 30! Oh well, we’ll see what happens. I have resolved to be completely honest about my progress, so we may all be giggling at my hubris. Do you have a website or a blog? If so, let me know, I’d love to follow your progress too. Happy New Year!
Joele Gilbert says
We are well here, warm, fed, lots of books, etc. We are already back to our homeschool routine even though school kids are still on holiday. I feel a bit guilty but we just really needed our rhythm back. Also our 2-3 hours a day are hardly grueling. I think it’s great that you are doing 30 habits in 30 days. I say we try all the approaches possible, because really what’s the harm in trying, again and again and again? My husband is a big fan of “Getting Things Done” and has tried to explain and coach me about it several times and I just glaze. Perhaps I should just pick up the book and read it already. I absolutely love how upfront you are on this blog, and find myself relating and nodding along more often than not. I don’t really have a blog, exactly. I have one in conjunction with the Speerville bulk purchasing group I have, but it is embarrassingly outdated and really only focuses on food related topics rather than my life in general. It’s I’m pretty sure one of the 12 habits I get to work on this year is writing, so maybe I’ll get around to updating things a bit. Cheers!