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Oh dear. Well, my latest podcast is up–and it’s all about “how we homeschool”. And yet, when I was mixing the final version, I realized with dismay just how much I had left out! I didn’t even mention how/when we do art-making (almost daily!), and I didn’t really go into much detail about how we manage our kids while Lee and I work (although I do promise to talk more about that in my “how to do it all” podcast!), and I didn’t even touch on ways to find and use resources in one’s community…oh dear. So much yammering on Yo, and you missed so much! Anyhoo, it’s done, it’s there, and here are just a few links that could get you started down the same sort of internet rabbit holes that I’ve found myself lost in, at 2am, researching this curriculum or that one 😉
Oh! And here’s the piece I wrote, mentioned in the podcast, about Whole Life Unschooling.
Waldorf Education:
Waldorf Homeschoolers: Lots of material here for families new to Waldorf Education.
Live Education: Another Waldorf +Homeschooling site with some good info.
Waldorf Toys:
One of my favourite aspects of the Waldorf philosophy is the gorgeous aesthetic. While Waldorf toys are typically insanely expensive, they do tend to be very well made, and intended for generations of use. What I like to do, is check out the beautiful toys and try to make similar items myself. The following will give you lots of ideas:
Bella Luna Toys (US)
Ava’s Apple Tree (Canadian)
Nest (Canadian)
By Nature (Canadian)
Maplerose (Canadian)
Montessori-Homeschooling–A good site to get started with Montessori education at home.
Living Montessori Now–Montessori for the classroom and the home.
At Home with Montessori–an article on how to make Montessori accessible at home (for everyone).
Charlotte Mason
Build Your Library: A secular Charlotte Mason homeschool website.
Ambleside Online: A very thorough, FREE resource/curriculum website for Charlotte Mason homeschooling. Allows parents to design their own curriculum, in detail.
Classical Education
And another article on secular Classical Education.
Here is the ENKI website–a full curriculum program inspired by Buddhism and Waldorf.
Duolingo: Duolingo is a free program for learning languages. We’re having great success with it–Horus is actually enjoying the French lesson we do together every morning.
An article about Homeschool-friendly colleges:
General Homeschool Resources
The Artful Parent:
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