They really are ok, but I’ve been pretty absent, relatively, for the past few weeks. I wake up, I say hi, I ignore the mess, and I go to the studio. Lee, to his credit, has been wonderful, and has been keeping everything afloat, and also helping me carry big pots to the kilns, and fix kilns that have broken mid-firing, and has also mixed glazes for me, and more. I’m truly grateful. I have a big show coming up on Friday the 13th, and I’ve had lots of inquiries about purchasing work online, and I *promise* that will be possible soon! But if you’re local, I urge you to take a visit to the Buckland-Merrifield Gallery in uptown Saint John–so many beautiful things there, including work from many of my potter friends, and stunning jewellery, and paintings and more.
Meanwhile, the kids have been playing outside now that spring is finally here in earnest. The other day, Felix grabbed my hand and said “Mum, I *have* to show you my trick!”. Out we went onto the driveway and he climbed the tree, and, ta dah! Upside down! I actually miss them, I’ve been so tethered to the pottery studio. My hands are raw, cracked and bleeding, and I’m actually looking forward to a break. Yearning for a clean house, and reading stories and going for walks, and I’ve actually been fantasizing about doing some knitting and embroidery; of being clean, rather than rotating my clay clothes. Anyway, I’m certainly not complaining–I’m immensely lucky. And especially so after waking up on Mother’s Day to three gorgeously painted cards, and a shell necklace from Treva. These kids.
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